Northern Standard Elite Sativa Cart 500mg
Out Of Stock
Sativa Dominant
500 mg
Native Elite cartidges are engineered to provide the cleanest connoisseur-
grade concentration of active cannabinoids and native terpenes available on
the market. They are extracted from single-strain, single-batch, organically-
grown cannabis, and contain only native cannabis terpenes. No butane,
propane, foreign terpenes, synthetic flavorings, color-removers, propylene
glycol or other additives of any kind are used in their production process.
Native Elite cartidges are engineered to provide the cleanest connoisseur-
grade concentration of active cannabinoids and native terpenes available on
the market. They are extracted from single-strain, single-batch, organically-
grown cannabis, and contain only native cannabis terpenes. No butane,
propane, foreign terpenes, synthetic flavorings, color-removers, propylene
glycol or other additives of any kind are used in their production process.